Sunday, 14 February 2016

Dear Justin

Dear Justin,

So... you're 23 years old now. I know you're panicking with a couple stuff like career plan, relationship, friends, your life.. To be honest.. I don't think its going to be a smooth year. People say its the quarter life crisis, where you got to make al ot of decision and panicking for being lost.

There's always been a plan after high school. To do your diploma and degree. That was the main thing.. but.. now you've graduated, you gotta decide which path you want to take in your life. To step in to the "real world".

I know you're a kid that refused to grow up.. But... we don't have a choice.. you're forced to step out there.. regardless what future have for  you... its not going to be easy.. There will be time you will decide what you want in your life and what you want to avoid.. You are responsible for your own choices.. Sad to say... I don't think you can be a kid anymore...

This is the year you'll make important choices.. Which friend to keep and which to cut off. Its not going to be easy as some friends are with you for the longest time.. But... you don't feel so happy around them anymore.. Matter of fact,... they are doing you more damage.

Sometimes you feel that you're alone.. Yea... that is how it is.. People will say that you have friends family and all.. But to be honest... you'll be the one that will go on this journey.. Only you will not disappoint yourself..

You like to be alone. Because you just hate hate hate drama. Things are easier being alone sometimes. But don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone..

Dear Justin... just hold on..

Justin Lim aka Kiddystick 
That kid that refused to grow up


  1. Gambateh la!
    Just give you a hug.

  2. Set goals, work at them, and go with the flow if things don't go your way :D

  3. I wanna eat you. Yummy!
